My Health Record (MHR)

This page is designed to guide your team through the process of connecting to My Health Record (MHR) via your FYDO account. It outlines the key steps to ensure a seamless integration, helping your hospital streamline the process of uploading of Discharge Summaries.

By preparing ahead of time, you’ll have everything needed for a smooth transition, allowing both staff and patients to benefit from a more connected healthcare experience.

Explore the page to ensure your team is ready for this important integration, and feel free to contact us with any questions at (02) 9632 0026 or

On the 28th of November 2023 we partnered with the Australian Digital Health Agency to present a webinar to our customers. This webinar provided essential information on the steps required for your hospital’s integration with MHR.

Click the link below to access the slideshow from this presentation. It offers step-by-step instructions on tasks like how to register a seed organisation, registering for PRODA, linking your Healthcare Identifiers to HPOS, registering your organisation for HPI-O, and more.

Implementing My Health Record in a Private Hospital or Day Surgery Webinar

Additional information on how to register your organisation for My Health Record can be accessed here.

My Health Record Timeline

The Advisory AS18/11: Implementing systems that can provide clinical information into the My Health Record system outlines the timeframes for implementation of a system to upload Discharge Summaries to MHR.

As of September 2024, this advisory stated:

To comply with Actions 1.17 and 1.18, health service organisation must:

  • By June 2024, have developed a detailed plan that complies with:
    – all requirements of Part 5 of the Rule;
    – user of national patient and provider identifiers (IHIs, HPI-Os, HPI-Is); and,
    – user of standard national terminologies.

  • By December 2024, have ongoing monitoring and evaluation of compliance with the requirements of Action 1.17 and 1.18.

Accrediting agencies are required to:

  • Review evidence that:
    – From July 2024, the organisation has completed a gap analysis, has a detailed plan and the plan is being implemented
    – From January 2025, the organisation has as system to monitor and evaluate compliance with Action 1.17 and 1.18.
  • Rate Action 1.17 as met, only if the organisation demonstrates achievement of the specific requirements of the Action in the relevant year.
  • Rate Action 1.18 as met only if the organisation demonstrates embedded processes in accordance with the specific requirements of the Action in the relevant year.
  • Rate Actions 1.17 and 1.18 as met with recommendations if there is evidence of a gap analysis and finalised plan endorsed by executive and the plan is being implemented and monitored (NB. where these requirements are met, these actions may be rated ’met with recommendation’ for no more than one accreditation cycle).

The information above outlines that, from January 2025, the health service organisation are expected to works towards implementing systems capable of providing clinical information to MHR. Additionally, organisations must have processes that

  • describe access to the system and
  • maintain the accuracy and completeness of information the organisation uploads

What can you do to prepare for the MHR integration?

Facilities can ensure they are ready for the integration as soon as it becomes available by:

  • Ensuring they have registered their organisation and obtained their HPI-O
  • Collecting the individual HPI-I’s of their doctors
  • Review Advisory AS18/11 to conduct the required gap analysis and ensure a detailed plan is in place and being implemented.
  • Await an email, from us at FYDO, that advises of our CSP number so that you can link your HPI-O
  • Set required access levels for all staff to Upload and Remove Discharge Summaries from MHR. This can be done by an authorised staff member from your facility by navigating to Settings > User Groups.

We appreciate your patience and support as we continue to undergo conformance testing, with the Australian Digital Health Agency, to implement this integration with MHR.