Patient Transfer (non API option)

As of September 2021 we do not have any inbound webhooks/APIs, meaning FYDO can not receive new patients via an API. FYDO can send webhooks/apis for new patients but not inbound as of this writing.

We do have a patient transfer option whereby you can send us a file via FTP and it can be loaded into FYDO. Currently this occurs at 3 scheduled intervals a day. 8am, midday and 4pm (SYD time).

We have a few formats we can accept the data in

  • XML
  • .txt


Option: XML

This format has been adopted as it is the format created by Genie.

Download Sample File

XML Tag Name Details
Id This is the MRN from the incoming system
ChartOrNHS This could be another additional ID you have for the patient
Title e.g Miss, Mrs
HealthFundAliasFirstName Only required if the patent is known by another name with their health fund
HealthFundAliasFamilyName Only required if the patent is known by another name with their health fund
DOB Format yyyy-mm-dd
Sex e.g M, F
1 – for Male
2 – Female
3 – Undertermined
HomePhone Format 0299999999
MobilePhone Format 0415999999
MaritalStatus Married
De facto
Same sex partner
CultureCode 1 – Aboriginal
2 – Torres Strait Islander
3 – Both Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander
4 – Neither
9 – Not Stated
MedicareExpiry Format yyyy-mm-dd
HealthFundName e,g MBP, HCF needs to be the fund code not the fund name.
Or at the least the first 3 characters need to be the fund code.
NokName Format FirstName Surname


Option: Text File

This format was created by FYDO and has more fields than the XML option, referred to internally as AV2.

Download Sample File

Field Name Start Length Details
PatExtId 1 10 This could be another additional ID you have for the patient, the main MRN is the PatType field
Title 11 5 e.g Miss, Mrs
Last Name 16 30
First Name 46 30
Address 1 76 40
Suburb 116 25
Postcode 141 4
DOB 145 10 Format dd/mmy/yyy
Medicare Number 155 12 Format 2111-11111-1
Medicare Reference 167 1
Entitlement Number 168 14 e.g. concession number or pension number
DVA Number 182 14
Phone Home 196 14 Format (02)9999-9999
Phone Work 210 14 Format (02)9999-9999
Misc1 224 1 Field now defunct, pls ignore
Gender 225 1  e.g M, F
State 226 3
Medicare Expiry 229 5 Format mm/yy
Misc2 234 6 Field now defunct, pls ignore
PatType 240 10 This is the MRN from the incoming system
Misc3 250 9 Field now defunct, pls ignore
Misc4 259 1 Field now defunct, pls ignore
SiteId 260 4 Field now defunct, pls ignore
Referring Dr Title 264 6
Referring Dr First Name 270 25
Referring Dr Last Name 295 25
Referring Dr Suburb 320 20
Referring Dr Provider Number 340 8
Referral Date 348 10 Format dd/mmy/yyy
Referral Period 358 2 99 for indefinite, other 3, 12 for example
Health Fund Membership Number 360 20
Health Fund Code 380 3 e.g MBP, should be the eclipse code, that we can look up in FYDO
Health Fund Name 383 37 e.g Medibank
Misc5 420 25 Field now defunct, pls ignore
Email 445 50
Notes 495 50
Mobile Number 545 12
NOK Last Name 557 25
NOK First Name 582 25
NOK Relationship 607 10 e.g Brother, Father, Wife
NOK Phone Home 617 13 Format (02)9999-9999
Patient Middle Initial 630 1
DVA Card Type 631 1
Indigenous 632 1 1 – Aboriginal
2 – Torres Strait Islander
3 – Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
4 – Neither Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
9 – Not Stated
Referring Dr Practice Name 633 50
Referring Dr Address 1 683 50
Referring Dr Address 2 733 50
Deceased Date 783 10 Format dd/mmy/yyy
Health Fund Alias First Name 793 25
Health Fund Alias Last Name 818 25
Referring Dr Phone 843 14 Format (02)9999-9999
Referring Dr Fax 857 14 Format (02)9999-9999
Referring Dr State 871 3
Referring Dr Postcode 874 4
Eligibility 878 1 1 – Eligible – Australian Resident
2 – Eligible – Overseas Visitor
3 – Ineligible
9 – Not Known/Not Stated
Insurance Status 879 1 1 – Basic Cover
2 – Full Cover
Other Card Id 880 1
Other Card Number 881 10
Allergy 891 70
Marital Status 961 1 1 – Married (including de facto)
2 – Never married (Single)
3 – Widowed
4 – Divorced
5 – Permanently Separated
6 – Not stated/inadequately described
Employment Status 962 2 1 – Child not at school
2 – Student
3 – Employed
4 – Unemployed
5 – Home Duties
6 – Retired
7 – Pensioner
8 – Other
Language 964 2 Download List
Country 966 4 Download List
Mailing Address Line 1 970 40
Mailing Address Line 2 1010 40
Mailing Address Suburb 1050 25
Mailing Address State 1075 3
Mailing Address Postcode 1078 4
Mailing Address Country 1082 30
NOK Title 1112 10
NOK Address 1 1122 40
NOK Suburb 1162 25
NOK State 1187 3
NOK Postcode 1190 4
NOK Phone Work 1194 13 Format (02)9999-9999
NOK Mobile 1207 13 Format 9999-999-999

