Reversing a Hospital Invoice

For an invoice that has been incorrectly billed or needs to be reversed by way of a journal entry. Navigate to the required patient using number 1 or 2 below

  1. Select Patient tab in the left-hand menu
      1. Search for the required patient using the field in the top right
      2. Double click on required patient
      3. Navigate to the Episodes tab across the top of the patient record
  2. Select Appointments tab in the left-hand menu
      1. Search for the required patient using the field in the centre at the top or
      2. Use the calendar to navigate to the episode date
      3. Once the patient has been located, right-click on their appointment & select History
  3. Ensure that the correct episode is selected from the list at the top
  4. Ensure that the correct invoice is selected from the information for that admission (NB this is important if there are multiple invoices for the one episode)
  5. Use the Invoice Options drop-down on the left of the screen
  6. Select Reverse Invoice

  7. The Reverse Invoice window will appear. Click on the invoice that you wish to reverse & it will turn a light shade of blue
  8. Click the Reverse Invoice option
  9. The invoice will continue to show in the episode; however it will now be followed by the journal adjustments that have just been performed to revers it & zero it out