Tokens – Invoice (Hospital)

Location of Invoice

Token Name Data Notes
<<InvLocId>> Location ID
<<InvLocName>> Location Name
<<InvLocAdd1>> Location Address Line 1
<<InvLocAdd2>> Location Address Line 2
<<InvLocSuburb>> Location Suburb e.g. BONDI
<<InvLocState>> Location State e.g. NSW
<<InvLocPostcode>> Location Postcode
<<InvLocPhone>> Location Phone e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<InvLocFax>> Location Fax e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<InvLocEmail>> Location Email Address
<<InvLocAbn>> Location ABN
<<InvLocACN>> Location ACN
<<InvLocBSB>> Location BSB
<<InvLocAccNo>> Location Account Number
<<InvLocAccName>> Location Account Name
<<InvLocProvNo>> Location Provider Number


Invoice Particulars

Token Name Data Notes
<<InvLabel>> Invoice Type e .g. Tax Invoice, Receipt
<<InvMessage>> Invoice Message
<<InvPage>> Current Page Shows the current page e.g. if the invoice needs to be a total of 4 pages, it prints which page it is
e.g. could be page 2 of 4
<<InvTotPages>> Total Pages


Bill To

Token Name Data Notes
<<InvBillTo>> Biller Name
<<InvBillToAdd1>> Biller Address Line 1
<<InvBillToAdd2>> Biller Address Line 2
<<InvBillToAdd3>> Biller Address Line 3


Patient ID and Invoice Number

Token Name Data Notes
<<InvMRN>> MRN
<<InvNo>> Invoice Number
<<InvEpi>> Episode ID
<<InvAdmNum>> Admission Number


Invoice Grid

Token Name Data Notes
<<InvCodeType>> Transaction Type e.g.
A – Accoommodation
T – Theatre
C – Casemix
O – Other Services
D – Deposits
P – Payments
J – Adjustments
<<InvCode>> Item
<<InvDesc>> Item Description
<<InvDescShort>> Item Description first 50 characters only
<<invBand>> Band
<<InvDOS>> Date of Service dd/mm/yyyy
<<InvDST>> Date of Service To dd/mm/yyyy
<<InvDOT>> Accounting Period Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<InvAudit>> Audit Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<InvQty>> Quantity
<<InvGst>> GST
<<InvAmt>> Charge
<<InvAmtExGst>> Amount Excluding GST


Doctor Invoiced

Token Name Data Notes
<<InvDocID>> Doctor ID
<<InvDocFullname>> Doctor Full Name e.g. CITIZEN, John
<<InvDocFirstname>> Doctor First Name
<<InvDocSurname>> Doctor Surname e.g. CITIZEN
<<InvDocTitle>> Doctor Ttitle
<<InvDocProviderNum>> Doctor Provider Number


Health Fund Invoiced

Token Name Data Notes
<<InvFundID>> Health Fund ID This is the unique ID for the health fund in the database
<<InvFund>> Health Fund Code e.g. HBF
<<InvFundName>> Health Fund Name e.g Health Benefits Fund
<<InvFundNo>> Health Fund Membership Number


Total Charges/Balances

Token Name Data Notes
<<TotCharges>> Sum of all Charges Sum all transaction lines where the transaction type (csrvcodetype) = A, T,C,R,O
<<TotDeposits>> Sum of all Deposits Sum all transaction lines where the transaction type (csrvcodetype) = D
<<TotPayments>> Sum of all Payments Sum all transaction lines where the transaction type (csrvcodetype) = P
<<TotAdjustments>> Sum of all Adjustments Sum all transaction lines where the transaction type (csrvcodetype) = J
<<TotGST>> Sum of all GST Sum of GST for all transaction lines where the transaction type (csrvcodetype) = A, T,C,R,O
<<InvCharExGst>> Sum Excluding GST Sum of all charges EXCLUDING GST
<<TotBalance>> Balance Due Balance due = InvCharges + InvDeposits + InvPayments + InvAdjustments



Token Name Data Notes
<<BPAYsb>> Sub biller This is something BPAY will give the organisation
<<BPAYISC>> Internal code This is something BPAY will give the organisation
<<BPAYref>> BPAY reference You can choose between the MRN or the invoice. This can be set from Settings > Locations