Tokens – Informed Financial Consent (IFC Clinic)

Template Tokens

Token Name Data as set in the IFC Screen Notes
<<IFCPatFullName>> Patient name  
<<IFCMRN>> Patient MRN  
<<IFCDOB>> Patient date of birth  
<<IFCSexID>> Patient gender e.g. M, F
<<IFCSex>> Patient gender e.g. Male, Female
<<IFCAdd1>> Patient Address Line 1  
<<IFCAdd2>> Patient Address Line 2  
<<IFCSuburb>> Patient Address Suburb  
<<IFCState>> Patient Address State  
<<IFCPC>> Patient Address Postcode  
<<IFCMobile>> Patient Mobile Format 0415 999 999
<<IFCPhoneH>> Patient Home Phone Format 99 9999 9999
<<IFCPhoneW>> Patient Work Phone  Format 99 9999 9999
<<IFCMed>> Patient Medicare Number  
<<IFCMedRef>> Patient Medicare Reference Number  
<<IFCLocId>> Location  
<<IFCLoc>> Location  
<<IFCLocAdd1>> Location address 1  
<<IFCLocAdd2>> Location address 2  
<<IFCLocSuburb>> Location suburb  
<<IFCLocState>> Location state  
<<IFCLocPostcode>> Location postcode  
<<IFCLocPhone>> Location phone Format 99 9999 9999
<<IFCLocFax>> Location fax Format 99 9999 9999
<<IFCLocABN>> Location ABN  
<<IFCDocID>> Doctor/Surgeon  
<<IFCDoc>> Doctor full name e.g Michelle ROMERO
<<IFCDocFirstN>> Doctor first name  
<<IFCDocLastN>> Doctor last name  
<<IFCDocTitle>> Doctor title  
<<IFCDocProvNo>> Doctor provider number  


Doctor Qualification

<<IFCDocSpec>> Doctor speciality  
<<IFCDocSpecID>> Doctor speciality  


Doctor address 1



Doctor address 2



Doctor suburb



Doctor state



Doctor postcode



Doctor ABN

Format 99 999 999 999


Doctor phone

Format 99 9999 9999


Doctor fax

Format 99 9999 9999


Doctor Mobile

Format 9999-999-999


Doctor Account Name



Doctor BSB



Doctor Account Number



Doctor Bank Name



Doctor Bank Address

<<IFCFundId>> Fund  
<<IFCFund>> Fund e.g. MBP
<<IFCFundName>> Fund e.g. Medibank
<<IFCFundNo>> Membership number  
<<IFCNotes>> Notes from review screen  
<<IFCUser>> Name of person printing the IFC  


<<IFCTotalC>> Sums all charges  
<<IFCTotalR>> Sums all rebates  
<<IFCTotGap1>> Sums all charges – sums all Rebates  
<<IFCTotGap2>> Sums all charges – sums all Fee Level Amount  
<<KnownGap>> This is the Known Gap amount set by the user  


  For the grid that will repeat (for the items)

Token Name Data to Insert More Info
<<ICT>> Transaction Type

I – Invoice
J – Adjustment
P – Payment

<<ICode>> Item If in hospital, the code will show with an asterisk after the code
<<IDesc>> Item Description  
<<Iid>> Item Id/Sequence  
<<IDOS>> Date of Service dd/mm/yyyy
<<IQty>> Quantity  
<<Itype>> Invoice Type e.g. M – Medicare V – Veterans
<<IUnit>> Unit Price  
<<ICharge>> Charge Amount  
<<iGST>> GST Amount  
<<iRebate>> Rebate Amount  
<<iFLAmt>> Fee Level Amount  
<<IFLvl>> Fee Level  
<<iGap1>> Charge Amount – Rebate Amount  
<<iGap2>> Charge Amount – Fee Level Amount  
<<IIH>> In hospital flag Shows an asterisk when in hospital
<iStext>> Service text