Tokens – Patient

These tokens apply throughout the entire system, for use in templates, to obtain information from the Patient Screen.

Token Name Data Notes
<<patMRN>> MRN  
<<patTitle>> Title  
<<patFirstN>> First Name  
<<patMInitial>> Middle Initial  
<<patPrefN>> Preferred Name  
<<patLastN>> Surname (Capitals) e.g. CITIZEN
<<patLastN2>> Surname (Lower Case) e.g. Citizen
<<patFullname>> First Name + Surname e.g. John CITIZEN
<<patGender>> Sex e.g. M, F
<<patGenderID>> Sex ID 1 – Male, 2 – Female
<<patGenderDesc>> Sex Description e.g. Male, Female, Intersex
<<patPronoun>> Pronouns
<<patDOB>> Date of Birth dd/mm/yyyy
<<patAge>> Age if under 1 year, then will show in months
<<patExtId>> External ID  
<<patFileNum>> File Number  
<<patMDID>> MDID  
<<patadd1>> Address Line 1  
<<patadd2>> Address Line 2  
<<patSuburb>> Suburb e.g. BONDI
<<patState>> State e.g. NSW
<<patZIP>> Postcode  
<<patPhoneH>> Phone (Home) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<patPhoneW>> Phone (Work) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<patMobile>> Mobile e.g. 0415 123 123
<<patEmail>> Email Address  


Health Fund Details

Token Name Data Notes
<<patFundID>> Health Fund ID This is the unique for the health fund in the database
<<patFund>> Health Fund Code e.g. HBF
<<patFundDesc>> Health Fund Name e.g Health Benefits Fund
<<patFundMembership>> Health Fund Membership Number  
<<patFundUPI>> Health Fund Universal Position Number (UPI)  
<<patFundInsSts>> Insurance Status ID  
<<patFundInsStsDesc>> Insurance Status  
<<patFundAliasFirstN>> Health Fund Alias First Name  
<<patFundAliasLastN>> Health Fund Alias Surname e.g. CITIZEN


Medicare/DVA/Other Card Details

Token Name Data Notes
<<patMedNo>> Medicare Number e.g. 2111-11111-1
<<patMedRef>> Medicare Issue Number  
<<patMedExp>> Medicare Expiry e.g. mm/yyyy
<<patMedElig >> Medicare Eligibility ID  
<<patMedEligDesc>> Medicare Eligibility  
<<patDVA>> DVA Card Number  
<<patDVAColourID>> DVA Card Colour ID e.g. W, G
<<patDVAColour>> VA Card Colour e.g. White, Gold
<<patDVAAuthNo>> DVA Authorisation Number  
<<patDVAAuthDate>> DVA Authorisation Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<patConcession>> Concession Card  
<<patConExp>> Concession Card Expiry  mm/yyyy
<<patPension>> Pension Card
<<patPenExp>> Pension Card Expiry mm/yyyy
<<patSafetyNet>> Safety Net Card
<<patSafetyExp>> Safety Net Card Expiry mm/yyyy
<<patAmbul>> Ambulance Card
<<patAmbExp>> Ambulance Card Expiry mm/yyyy


Other Patient Info

Token Name Data Notes
<<patIndigID>> Indigenous Status ID  
<<patIndig>> Indigenous Status  
<<patMaritalID>> Marital Status ID  
<<patMarital>> Marital Status  
<<patLanguageID>> Language Spoken at Home ID  
<<patLanguage>> Language Spoken at Home  
<<patCountryID>> Country of Birth ID  
<<patCountry>> Country of Birth  
<<patEmpStsID>> Employment Status ID  
<<patEmpSts>> Employment Status  
<<patOccupation>> Occupation
<<patReligion>> Religion
<<patReligionID>> Religion ID
<<patAllergy>> Allergy  
<<patAllergyFlag>> Allergy This will show the word Allergy, rather than the actual allergies
<<patAlert>> Alert  
<<patOSvisitor>> Overseas Visitor Answer  e.g. Yes or No
<<patOSvisitorID>> OverseasVisitor Answer ID  e.g. 1 or 0
<<patOSVisitorCountryID>> Overseas Visitor Country ID  
<<patOSVisitorCountry>> Overseas Visitor Country  
<<patInterpreter>> Interpreter Required Answer  e.g. Yes or No
<<patInterpreterID>> Interpreter Required Answer ID  e.g. 1 or 0
<<patInterpreterLangID>> Interpreter Language ID  
<<patInterpreterLang>> Interpreter Language  
<<patDeceased>> Deceased date dd/mm/yyyyy
<<patNote>> Notes  


Mailing Address

Token Name Data Notes
<<patMailadd1>> Mailing Address Line 1  
<<patMailadd2>> Mailing Address Line 2  
<<patMailSuburb>> Mailing Address Suburb e.g. BONDI
<<patMailState>> Mailing Address State e.g. NSW
<<patMailZIP>> Mailing Address Postcode  


Referring Doctor

Token Name Data Notes
<<patRefID>> Referring Doctor ID  
<<patRef>> Referring Doctor Full Name e .g. CITIZEN, John
<<patRefTitle>> Referring Doctor Title  
<<patRefFirstn>> Referring Doctor First Name  
<<patRefLastn>> Referring Doctor Surname e.g. CITIZEN
<<patRefProv>> Referring Doctor Provider Number  
<<patRefSpecID>> Referring Doctor Speciality ID  
<<patRefSpec>> Referring Doctor Speciality  
<<patRefDate>> Referral Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<patRefPeriod>> Referral Period  
<<patRefFV>> Referral First Consult/Visit dd/mm/yyyy
<<patRefPract>> Referring Doctor Practice Name  
<<patRefAdd1>> Referring Doctor Address Line 1  
<<patRefAdd2>> Referring Doctor Address Line 2 / Suburb State Postcode This token will work out if the Referring Doctor has characters in address line 2. If it doesn’t it will put the suburb + state + postcode.
<<patRefAdd3>> Referring Doctor Address Line 2 / Suburb State Postcode This token will work out if the Referring Doctor has characters in address line 2. If it doesn’t it will keep this token empty.
<<patRefSuburb>> Referring Doctor Suburb  
<<patRefState>> Referring Doctor State  
<<patRefPC>> Referring Doctor Postcode  
<<patRefP>> Referring Doctor Phone 99 9999 9999
<<patRefF>> Referring Doctor Fax 99 9999 9999
<<patRefEmail>> Referring Doctor Email  


GP / Family Doctor

Token Name Data Notes
<<patGPID>> GP ID e.g. this is the unique Id in the database
<<patGPTitle GP Title  
<<patGPFullname>> GP Full Name e.g. CITIZEN, John
<<patGPFirstname>> GP First Name  
<<patGPSurname>> GP Surname e.g. CITIZEN
<<patGPSpec>> GP Speciality  
<<patGPSpecID>> GP Speciality ID  
<<patGPProvNo>> GP Provider Number  
<<patGPPract>> GP Practice Name  
<<patGPAdd1>> GP Address Line 1  
<<patGPAdd2>> GP Address Line 2 / Suburb State Postcode This token will work out if the GP has characters in address line 2. If it doesn’t it will put the suburb + state + postcode.
<<patGPAdd3>> GP Address Line 2 / Suburb State Postcode This token will work out if the GP has characters in address line 2. If it doesn’t it will keep this token empty.
<<patGPSuburb>> GP Suburb  
<<patGPState>> GP State  
<<patGPPC>> GP Postcode  
<<patGPPhone>> GP Phone 99 9999 9999
<<patGPFax>> GP Fax 99 9999 9999
<<patGPEmail>> GP Email  


Next of Kin

Token Name Data Notes
<<NOKTitle>> Next of Kin Title  
<<NOKfirstn>> Next of Kin First Name  
<<NOKlastn>> Next of Kin Surname e.g. CITIZEN
<<NOKrelation>> Next of Kin Relationship  
<<NOKadd1>> Next of Kin Address Line 1  
<<NOKadd2>> Next of Kin Address Line 2  
<<NOKSuburb>> Next of Kin Suburb e.g. BONDI
<<NOKState>> Next of Kin State e.g. NSW
<<NOKPostcode>> Next of Kin Postcode  
<<NOKPhoneH>> Next of Kin Phone (Home) e .g. 02 1234 5678
<<NOKPhoneW>> Next of Kin Phone (Work) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<NOKMobile>> Next of Kin Mobile e.g. 0415 123 123


Emergency Contact

Token Name Data Notes
<<ECTitle>> Emergency Contact Title  
<<ECfirstn>> Emergency Contact First Name  
<<EClastn>> Emergency Contact Surname e.g. CITIZEN
<<ECrelation>> Emergency Contact Relationship  
<<ECadd1>> Emergency Contact Address Line 1  
<<ECadd2>> Emergency Contact Address Line 2  
<<ECSuburb>> Emergency Contact Suburb e.g. BONDI
<<ECState>> Emergency Contact State e.g. NSW
<<ECPostcode>> Emergency Contact Postcode  
<<ECPhoneH>> Emergency Contact Phone (Home) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<ECPhoneW>> Emergency Contact Phone (Work) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<ECMobile>> Emergency Contact Mobile e.g. 0415 123 123



Token Name Data Notes
<<ContTitle>> Contributor Title  
<<ContFirstn>> Contributor First Name  
<<ContLastn>> Contributor Surname e.g. CITIZEN
<<ContRelation>> Contributor Relationship  
<<ContAdd1>> Contributor Address Line 1  
<<ContAdd2>> Contributor Address Line 2  
<<ContSuburb>> Contributor Suburb e.g. BONDI
<<ContState>> Contributor State e.g. NSW
<<ContPostcode>> Contributor Postcode  
<<ContPhoneH>> Contributor Phone (Home) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<ContPhoneW>> Contributor Phone (Work) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<ContMobile>> Contributor Mobile e.g. 0415 123 123


Pick Up Person

Token Name Data Notes
<<PUfirstn>> Pickup Up Person First Name  
<<PUlastn>> Pickup Up Person Surname e.g. CITIZEN
<<PUrelation>> Pickup Up Person Relationship  
<<PUPemail>> Pickup Up Person Email  
<<PUphoneh>> Pickup Up Person (Home) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<PUphonew>> Pickup Up Person (Work) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<PUMobile>> Pickup Up Person Mobile e.g. 0415 123 123