Tokens – Statements (Clinic)
Location Details
Token Name | Data | Notes |
<<StsLocID>> | ID | |
<<StsLocName>> | Name | |
<<StsLocAdd1>> | Address Line 1 | |
<<StsLocAdd2>> | Address Line 2 | |
<<StsLocSuburb>> | Suburb | |
<<StsLocPostcode>> | Postcode | |
<<StsLocPhone>> | Phone | (99)9999-9999 |
<<StsLocFax>> | Fax | (99)9999-9999 |
<<StsLocEmail>> | ||
<<StsABN>> | ABN | |
<<StsACN>> | ACN | |
<<StsMinorId>> | Minor Id | |
<<StsBankName>> | Bank Name | |
<<StsBankAdd>> | Bank Branch | |
<<StsAccName>> | Bank Account Name | |
<<StsBSB>> | BSB | |
<<StsAccno>> | Account Number |
Doctor Details
Token Name | Data | Notes |
<<StsDocId>> | ID | dd/mm/yyyy |
<<StsDocFullName>> | Full Name | e.g. SURNAME, Firstname |
<<StsDocFirstName>> | First Name | |
<<StsDocSurname>> | Surname | e.g SURNAME |
<<StsDocTitle>> | Title | |
<<StsDocProviderNum>> | Provider Number | |
<<StsDocPayee>> | Payee Provider Number | |
<<StsDocInvAs>> | Invoice As | |
<<StsDocQualif>> | Qualifications | |
<<StsDocABN>> | ABN | |
<<StsDocRegno>> | Registration Number |
Statements Grid
Token Name | Data | Notes |
<<SCT>> | Item Type | I = Invoice J = Adjustment/Journal P = Payment |
<<SID>> | Item Position | |
<<Sinv>> | Invoice Number | |
<<SCode>> | Item | If the item is in hospital, the item will have an asterisk after the item e.g. 116* |
<<Sdesc>> | Item Description | |
<<SDOS>> | Date of Service | dd/mm/yyyy |
<<SDOT>> | Accounting Period | dd/mm/yyyy |
<<SType>> | Invoice Type | M = Medicare I = Immunisation V = Veterans P = Private E = ECLIPSE W = Workers Comp T = Third Party |
<<SQty>> | Quanity | |
<<Sunit>> | Unit Price | |
<<Sprice>> | Price | |
<<SGSTAmt>> | GST | |
<<SIH>> | In Hospital Flag | |
<<SEID>> | ?? | |
<<SSText>> | Service Text | |
<<SBenef>> | Rebate | |
<<SFLvl>> | Fee Level | |
<<SRef>> | Reference | |
<<Sdrfullname>> | Servicing Dr’s Full name | e.g CITIZEN, John |
<<Sdrid>> | Servicing Dr’s ID | |
<<Sdrgivenname>> | Servicing Dr’s Givenname | |
<<Sdrsurname>> | Servicing Dr’s Surname |
Total Charges/Balances
Token Name | Data | Notes |
<<StsCharges>> | Sum of Charges | |
<<StsAdjust>> | Sum of Adjustments | |
<<StsPayments>> | Sum of Payments | |
<<StsGST>> | Sum of GST | |
<<StsBalance>> |