Data Migration Testing

When we migrate your data across from your old system into FYDO, it is important you check the data to ensure all information has come across correctly and there is no data missing. 

Please ensure you follow the steps below and test your data before we move to the final migration stage. We recommend you have your old system open as well as your new FYDO account and compare all information listed below. We ask you to compare 40 patients from a range of different dates to ensure we get a good overview of data that has come across. 

Please check:

  • 10 very old patients  (we recommend between 5-10 years old depending on the length of time you have had your system).
  • 10 patients who have been admitted within the last 2-3 years 
  • 10 Patients who have been admitted within the last 12 months 
  • 10 Patients who have been admitted within the last 3-6 months

When checking these patient records you need to ensure the following information has come across:

  • Patient demographics (Patient name, DOB, address) 
  • Referring doctor information if applicable
  • Marital status, language, indigenous status etc.
  • Episode information  (If a patient in your old system has 3 episodes in your old system please ensure there are 3 episodes in your FYDO system). 
  • Coding information
  • Appointment screen information  (please ensure your FYDO appointment screen matches your old system for the same dates).

Please note: Depending on the system we are migrating your data from, bringing across all this information may not be possible and in this case, your FYDO onboarding specialist will highlight the information you need to check. Once you have checked the data is correct please email us at to confirm you are happy with the data migration and we will proceed to the final migration stage. If you have any issues with your data migration, please contact your FYDO onboarding specialist as soon as possible. 
