FYDO Hospital Update – 04/07/2024
Additions to the DRG Fee Set Up
To assist with complex DRG Health Fund contracts, we have implemented additional fields to improve our simplified billing. There are now 3 steps down fields available for Long Stay ‘LS’ with ‘from’ and ‘to’ days.

Additions to the Length of Stay Report
The Length of Stay Report can now be generated based on Booking Time to Pre-Op Time.

Additions to Mandatory Fields
Gender has been added as a mandatory requirement for WA, VIC and TAS submission. If the ‘On admission, make patient fields mandatory’ feature is enabled in your System Configuration, a warning will pop up if this is missing from the patient screen on admission.

New Webhook Fields Added
Episode webhooks now have the PreAdmissionContacted and PostDischargeContacted fields with True or False values.
Bug Fixes
The issue some users were experiencing with amending the DVA Casebase Fee Set Up has been resolved.