Cancel a Hospital Booking
If a patient cancels their appointment
- Search for the patient OR
- Navigate to the date & theatre that the patient is booked for
- Select the patient & right click to open menu
- Select Edit Episode

- Use the Cancelled drop down to select a reason for cancellation (N.B these cancelled reasons are fully customisable & can be added or edited in Setting under the Cancelled Reasons option to assist facilities obtain the cancellation data that they require)
- Click Save

- The patient will now be displayed with a strikethrough & the appointment time will be available to book another patient
- To view your screen without the cancelled patients, use the Filter Dropdown and select All Appointments Exc Cancelled

- To view the cancelled patients ensure you select All Appointments Inc Cancelled from the Filter Dropdown
- To reinstate an appointment, follow the above steps 1 > 4 and remove the cancellation reason from the episode before clicking Save
Last Modified: 19 April 2023