Adding or Editing Doctors – Hospital

Adding Doctors or Surgeons to FYDO can be easily done by a user that has the required access level.

1. Navigate to Settings
2. Select Doctors

3. Use the Search field to find a specific doctor
4. To Edit a doctor already entered, simply double click on their line
5. To Add a new doctor select Add Doctor

6. For multi-location databases, you will be required to select the Location that the doctor is to be added to.

7. Minimum details required to add a doctor are First Name, Surname and Speciality.

8. Add in as much information as you would like. Provider numbers can be required for data extract and claiming purposes.
9. Doctors assigned the Speciality of Anaesthetics will be displayed in the Anaesthetist field throughout FYDO and won’t be admitting doctors.
10. All other Specialties (including customised ones, added by the facility) will be included in the Doctor/Surgeon dropdowns in FYDO.

FYDO gives the option to view all the doctors expiry dates for AHPRA, Insurance and Credentailing. These dates can by displayed by selecting View > Dates. These dates are colour coded to allow easy identification if they are expiring soon:
Red Date > Expired
Orange Date > Due to expire within the next 3 months
Black Date > Not due to expire for over 3 months

Users are able to export the Doctors List to Excel or PDF if required.

SMS Automation in FYDO

Stay connected with your patients effortlessly with the new Automated SMS feature in FYDO!
This feature allows you to automatically send SMSs to patients before and after their admissions, at timeframes that work for you!
– Need to send patients their admission times? Done.
– Need to remind patients to complete their Admission Form? No problem.
– Want to send a Post-Discharge follow-up or request feedback via a Patient Survey? It’s all possible!

We’re here to help you set up this automation. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team via email or phone!

Phone: (02) 9632 0026

To start using the Automated SMS feature, here’s what you’ll need to have in place:

  • An SMS Account: You’ll need an SMS account set up in FYDO. If you’re not sure whether you already have one, contact our team.  
  • SMS Templates: You’ll need to set up SMS Templates. Detailed instructions are available on our Adding SMS templates – FYDO Wiki
  • SMS Automation: Once your templates are ready, you’ll need to set up SMS Automation in the FYDO Settings. Let’s walk through that now!

  1. Navigate to Settings
  2. Select SMS Automation

3. Click Add SMS Automation

4. Select the Condition. (We will go into detail on each of the Conditions later in the instructions and explain what field in FYDO governs their status)
5. Select the required Template
6. Select the Number of Days Before or After the episode that you’d like the SMS to be sent
7. Select the Time that you’d like the SMS sent
8. Select the Location for Multi-Location databases. (Single location databases will not need to amend this field)
9. Select the specific Theatre if this Automated SMS is only going to apply to one. Otherwise leave the selection as All Theatres
10. Click Setup Auto SMS

Now we’ll go into detail on the different Condition options available for sending the Automated SMSs.

To Confirm Appointment

This type of SMS automation is triggered by the Confirmed field in the Edit Appointment Screen of each episode. When the Automated SMS Condition is set to To Confirm Appointment this field will be checked before sending, to ensure the message is only sent to appointments that haven’t been confirmed yet.  

For example, the automated SMS feature will check for appointments scheduled in the next two days that haven’t been confirmed. It will send the selected SMS template at 9am.
For the below example, let’s say today is Monday:

  • The system will check all appointments scheduled for Wednesday and send the SMS to those without an entry in the Confirmed field.
  • FYDO will also scan for any late additions to appointments within the two-day window to ensure these patients also receive the SMS.  

Post Discharge

This SMS automation is based on the Discharge Date. Once an episode is discharged, the SMS will be sent at the designated timeframe after the discharge date.
For example, if today is Monday and a patient is discharged at 1pm, they will receive the automated Post Discharge SMS one day after their discharge date. In this case, the SMS will be sent on Tuesday at 9am.  

Admission Form Not Received

This automated SMS is triggered based on the Admission Form Received Check List item. If the checkbox is marked for a patient’s admission, they will not receive the automated SMS. This means the SMS will only be sent to patients who have not yet completed their admission form!

With the check box now automatically ticked when patients completed Online Preadmit Paperwork is committed, following up with patients who still need to complete this task has never been easier!

For the below example, if a patient is booked for Monday, they will receive their Admission Form Not Received reminder on Sunday at 8am, the day before their scheduled admission.

Keep in mind, you can set up multiple SMS Automations! So, if you want to remind patients every day until they submit their admission form, you can easily do that!

And again, we’re here to help you set up this automation. If you would like assistance with getting this feature up and running for your facility, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team via email or phone!

Phone: (02) 9632 0026

Let’s look at a demo setup for streamlining patient communication! Automating these SMS reminders can really help improve patient engagement and reduce the administrative burden on staff. Here’s an example of how it can work and why it’s effective:

  1. Online Pre-Admission Form Link (4 days before admission)
    This gives patients a head start in completing their required paperwork. The fact that it only contacts those who haven’t already submitted the form is a great way to avoid unnecessary follow-ups and potential annoyance for patients who are already on top of their forms.
  2. Follow-Up Reminder for Admission Forms (2 days before admission)
    A reminder just before the deadline to submit the form ensures that those who missed the first notification get another nudge, but again, it avoids bothering anyone who’s already completed the form. A gentle follow-up can help improve compliance.  
  3. Pre-Procedure Confirmation (1 day before admission)
    This is crucial for making sure patients are prepared with all the details – admission time, fasting instructions, what to do when they arrive, and appointment confirmation. It helps patients feel more confident and organized the day before their procedure.  
  4. Post-Discharge Check-In (1 day after discharge)
    Checking in on patients after they leave the hospital can show that you care about their recovery, making them feel supported and giving you an opportunity to catch any concerns early.  Helping you meet your post-discharge obligations.
  5. Patient Survey Link (5 days post-discharge)
    Asking for feedback via a patient survey is a great way to gather insights on their experience and identify any areas for improvement. Giving them a little time to settle into their recovery before asking for feedback might result in more thoughtful responses. Automating this follow up ensures all patients are given the opportunity to participate in providing feedback.

Patient Alerts – with Preadmit & FYDO

What are Patient Alerts?

Patient Alerts is a new feature in FYDO that displays a list of high-risk patients and their associated conditions, helping you address potential issues before admission.

Where do these Patient Alerts come from?

Patient Alerts are configured within your hospital’s Preadmit Portal:

  • You decide which questions to ask the patients.
  • You determine the criteria that triggers a Patient Alert. For Example:
    • BMI over 30
    • The patient indicating they have diabetes

    • Family history of cardiac issues

  • Patients answer these questions online while completing their Preadmission Questionnaire.
  • Any high-risk responses are flagged and displayed at your fingertips in FYDO for immediate review.

How will Patient Alerts help your facility?

Patient Alerts streamline the preadmission process by enabling hospitals to gather critical information effortlessly and early:

  • Convenient for patients: Patients can complete the questionnaire at a time that suits them, rather than waiting for a nurse’s call.
  • Time-efficient for Clinical Staff: Reviewing patient responses online reduces the need for lengthy phone calls.
  • Proactive consultation: Doctors and anaesthetists can be consulted about high-risk cases BEFORE speaking with the patient, minimising the need for follow-up calls.

How does the Patient Alerts process work?

  1. Continue using your existing Preadmit Portal Link
  2. Patients complete the online questionnaire at their convenience, and responses are sent directly to FYDO
  3. Link and Commit preadmit forms as usual. (Instructions available here)

4. Responses without alerts are attached to the patient’s FYDO file under Documents.  
5. High-risk responses are displayed in the Patients Alert for review by Clinical Preadmission Staff.
6. To access the Patient Alerts Screen, navigate to Data I/O and select Patient Alerts.

7. Key Features of the Patient Alerts Screen include the top-right menu which allows users to:

8. Arrow or Flag icon will display the high-risk triggers.
9. Patients Name Link: Go directly to the Patient Details Screen.
10. Important Information: Regarding episode and patient can be viewed.
11. The Status indicates what action is require for the patient:

12. The menu, on the right, gives users a number of options, including:

How can you start to use Patient Alerts to assist your hospital?

It is so easy to get started! Our team will take care of the entire setup process for you, ensuring that Patient Alerts integrate seamlessly into your workflow. With everything handled by us, you can focus on providing the best care while benefiting from improved communication and efficiency.

Contact us today!
Phone: (02) 9632 0026

What’s next to enhance this feature further?

We are continuously improving FYDO, and the new Patient Alerts feature is no different! Upcoming enhancements include:

  • Permission/Access Level for the screen.
  • Automatically mark Pre-Admission Contacted when entry in Patient Alert screen is completed.
  • Add the option to show the Flags in Custom Views on the Appointments Screen.

My Health Record (MHR)

This page is designed to guide your team through the process of connecting to My Health Record (MHR) via your FYDO account. It outlines the key steps to ensure a seamless integration, helping your hospital streamline the process of uploading of Discharge Summaries.

By preparing ahead of time, you’ll have everything needed for a smooth transition, allowing both staff and patients to benefit from a more connected healthcare experience.

Explore the page to ensure your team is ready for this important integration, and feel free to contact us with any questions at (02) 9632 0026 or

On the 28th of November 2023 we partnered with the Australian Digital Health Agency to present a webinar to our customers. This webinar provided essential information on the steps required for your hospital’s integration with MHR.

Click the link below to access the slideshow from this presentation. It offers step-by-step instructions on tasks like how to register a seed organisation, registering for PRODA, linking your Healthcare Identifiers to HPOS, registering your organisation for HPI-O, and more.

Implementing My Health Record in a Private Hospital or Day Surgery Webinar

Additional information on how to register your organisation for My Health Record can be accessed here.

My Health Record Timeline

The Advisory AS18/11: Implementing systems that can provide clinical information into the My Health Record system outlines the timeframes for implementation of a system to upload Discharge Summaries to MHR.

As of September 2024, this advisory stated:

To comply with Actions 1.17 and 1.18, health service organisation must:

  • By June 2024, have developed a detailed plan that complies with:
    – all requirements of Part 5 of the Rule;
    – user of national patient and provider identifiers (IHIs, HPI-Os, HPI-Is); and,
    – user of standard national terminologies.

  • By December 2024, have ongoing monitoring and evaluation of compliance with the requirements of Action 1.17 and 1.18.

Accrediting agencies are required to:

  • Review evidence that:
    – From July 2024, the organisation has completed a gap analysis, has a detailed plan and the plan is being implemented
    – From January 2025, the organisation has as system to monitor and evaluate compliance with Action 1.17 and 1.18.
  • Rate Action 1.17 as met, only if the organisation demonstrates achievement of the specific requirements of the Action in the relevant year.
  • Rate Action 1.18 as met only if the organisation demonstrates embedded processes in accordance with the specific requirements of the Action in the relevant year.
  • Rate Actions 1.17 and 1.18 as met with recommendations if there is evidence of a gap analysis and finalised plan endorsed by executive and the plan is being implemented and monitored (NB. where these requirements are met, these actions may be rated ’met with recommendation’ for no more than one accreditation cycle).

The information above outlines that, from January 2025, the health service organisation are expected to works towards implementing systems capable of providing clinical information to MHR. Additionally, organisations must have processes that

  • describe access to the system and
  • maintain the accuracy and completeness of information the organisation uploads

What can you do to prepare for the MHR integration?

Facilities can ensure they are ready for the integration as soon as it becomes available by:

  • Ensuring they have registered their organisation and obtained their HPI-O
  • Collecting the individual HPI-I’s of their doctors
  • Review Advisory AS18/11 to conduct the required gap analysis and ensure a detailed plan is in place and being implemented.
  • Await an email, from us at FYDO, that advises of our CSP number so that you can link your HPI-O
  • Set required access levels for all staff to Upload and Remove Discharge Summaries from MHR. This can be done by an authorised staff member from your facility by navigating to Settings > User Groups.

We appreciate your patience and support as we continue to undergo conformance testing, with the Australian Digital Health Agency, to implement this integration with MHR.

Single Sign On (SSO) with FYDO

At FYDO, we are committed to continuously enhancing the security and convenience of our platform for our valued customers. And because of that, we use Single Sign On (SSO) to FYDO! This feature will allow you to access FYDO using your existing credentials from Microsoft or Google, simplifying your login process while maintaining the highest level of security.

SSO is a secure authentication process that enables you to log in to multiple applications with a single set of credentials. By integrating SSO, we aim to provide you with a seamless and efficient log in experience.

When you log in, you will notice two buttons for Microsoft and Google account access, as pictured below.

If you are already logged into your browser with either a Google or Microsoft account, you can click on the applicable button to log in. This will take you directly to the FYDO dashboard or the Two-Step Verification Process via SMS, email, or an Authentication App as usual. 

Note– The account you use must already be set up in FYDO to proceed. 

If you are not already logged into your browser with an account, you will be prompted to ‘Pick an account’ or ‘Use another account’ as shown below. You will need to enter your password to proceed. 

You may still use your email and password to log in unless your FYDO account subscriber has forced SSO to be used. In that case, you may receive a message at the top of the screen, as shown: 

If you receive the message above, please try using the Microsoft or Google buttons. If you still have problems logging in, contact your FYDO account subscriber (the person in charge of FYDO at your facility) before reaching out to Altura Health Support. 

If you have forgotten your Microsoft or Google password, please contact your IT department. This issue is separate from FYDO and cannot be addressed by Altura Health Support.

How to enforce SSO in FYDO

SSO authentication can be enforced for all or selected users. Once SSO is enforced, an email invitation will be sent to the applicable user/s, advising them to activate their account via SSO. The user does not need to use the email invitation link; they can go directly to the FYDO website. 

Note: Once a user is required to use SSO by their facility, their existing password will be deleted. 

To enforce SSO for all users: 

  1. Go to Settings > Security and click Edit

  1. Tick the SSO as Mandatory tick box (as shown below) and click Save

If, for any reason, some users are unable to authenticate using SSO, they can be reverted back to the standard email/password authentication method. 

To revert all users to email/password authentication:

  1. Simply untick the SSO as Mandatory box in Settings > Security. 

To revert specific users to email/password authentication: 

  1. Go to Settings > Users
  2. Double-click on required user
  3. Click Edit
  4. Untick SSO Mandatory
  5. Click Save

Reverted users will receive another email invitation to set up their new password. 

You can see which users have SSO enforced and whether they have successfully authenticated using SSO by going to Settings > Users.  

  • SSO Blank: User not forced to use SSO
  • SSO Red Cross: User forced to use SSO but not activated
  • SSO Green Tick: User has activated SSO

Hospital Data Extracts Reference Guides

Each month you will be required to submit data of patient discharges to various agencies. Each entity has its own reporting requirements surrounding the data it collects. Below are links to each of their websites’ reference guides that stipulate what information is required for submission.

State health departments also require data. However, you will only need to submit data to the state the facility is located in.

PHDB (Private Hospitals Data Bureau)

HCP (Hospital Casemix Protocol)


VIC Health – VAED

SA Health– APC



WA Health– HMDS (formerly HA22)

For more instructions on Hospital Data Extracts Setup visit our wiki page:
Data Extracts Setup

For more instructions on Extracting Hospital Data from FYDO visit our wiki page:
Hospital Data Extraction

For more instructions on Re-Extracting Hospital Data from FYDO visit our wiki page”
Re-Submitting a Hospital Data Extract

MYNT Billing – Guide for Hospitals

This guide has been prepared for FYDO Hospitals that are also MYNT Billing clients.


The MYNT Billing team will invoice your private health fund patients two to three times per week.  Please note that this excludes uninsured, third party, Workcover and overseas patients (unless requested).

In order for the MYNT Billing Team to generate invoices, the following steps must be completed by staff at your facility:

  1. Ensure the Episode Status is Discharged

  1. Complete Theatre Screen information accurately, including the following information at a minimum;

  1. Anaesthetic Type
  2. Time In Theatre and Time Out Theatre
  3. Item numbers/Code
  4. Other Services, if required, such as prostheses, disposables, surcharges
  5. Theatre Complete tick box checked

It is imperative that facility staff ensure the accuracy of this information, as the MYNT Billing team does not have access to medical records to verify.  

  1. Ensure Episode is Coded and Grouped, by completing the Diagnosis, Procedure and DRG sections in the Coding Screen – see Hospital Coding – FYDO Wiki

For many disciplines, coding may be impacted by pathology results, or awaiting doctor verification of items performed.  If coding is on hold, please designate a Theatre on Hold reason (e.g. Pending Pathology, Awaiting Item Numbers, etc) in the Theatre Screen.  (Additional reasons can be added in Settings > Theatre Hold Reasons.)

The MYNT Billing team will run a Billing Status Report for your site, once per week, to identify any episodes that cannot be invoiced and outline the reasons for this (e.g. waiting on coding).

Rejected Claims

The MYNT Billing team will review rejections daily, and strive to address any rejections within two business days.  If we are awaiting information or action from your facility in relation to a rejection, notes will be recorded in the Financial Notes tab for the episode.


The MYNT Billing team will be responsible for following up with debtors.  A weekly Debtors Report will be sent to the site to outline reasons for any claims outstanding greater than 45 days (e.g. issues with the claim or slower payments – for example some smaller funds, as well as paper-based claims, can take longer to be paid).

Hospital Health Fund Fees – Importing DRG Fees

FYDO now has the option to import DRG fees from an Excel file.
It is important to note that the file must be an Excel file, and must be set out in the same way as the sample template below. 

Or click the link below to download a blank template:

Using the same column titles as can be seen in this spreadsheet example. 

Column headings need to be:
B – ChargeSD
C – ChargeIP
D – SSTrim
E – SSFee
F – LSTrim
G – LSFee
I – TRFDisc

The above layout reflects the content, and order of information, that is displayed in FYDO.

If the file is not formatted in this way, with the exact column titles, the data will not be able to be imported into FYDO, or will upload into the wrong fields.

How to Format an Excel File for DRG Upload

Data from a Health Fund contract can be transferred into the relevant columns of the template, or a copy of a contract can be modified using the following steps:

  1. Save a copy of the contract (do not edit the master copy)
  2. Go to DRG tab or section in the contract
  3. Remove any lines above the DRG header table so that there is only one header row
  4. Delete any columns that do not contain the required information as per the images above
  5. Ensure the names and order of all columns and the header row match the template exactly

How to Upload DRG File into FYDO

  1. Go to Settings & select Fees Setup

  1. Choose your location from the dropdown menu (only applicable to multi-site users)
  2. Select required Fund
  3. Ensure Same Day Fees tab is selected and Click Edit

  1. Update Start of Current Fee and End of Current Fee dates
  2. Click Save

  1. Click DRG Fees tab
  2. Click Edit

  1. Click More Actions and select Click to move all Current fees to Old and follow instructions – this step is optional, however it is recommended as it ensures that episodes prior to the new contract dates are billed at the appropriate rates, otherwise all unbilled episodes will be billed at the newly loaded rates
  2. Click Save

  1. Click Edit
  2. Click More Actions and select Import Fees

  1. Click Fee Type and select Current File

  1. Click Upload DRG Fees File and locate the relevant Excel file to be uploaded
  2. Click Upload

  1. DRG items and fees will populate into the DRG Fees tab
  2. Click Save
  3. Select Print to print or download, then conduct a spot check with the contract to ensure fees have populated correctly

Note:  If a DRG no longer exists in the new fees, but there was an old rate, the line will remain in the fees screen and Current will show as $0 (Old will show the previous rate).  If a DRG has a zero-dollar balance under the Current fees AND the Old fees, FYDO will automatically remove this line from the fees page, as it is no longer required.

Amending a User’s Email Address

There may be instances when a user needs to change their FYDO log in email address. This can be done by the user themselves by following the steps below.
The only exception is the Subscriber who is unable to change their email address themselves & will need to contact FYDO Support if amendments need to be made.
  1. Hover over User Profile (Your Initials)
  2. Select Edit Profile
  3. Select Edit
  4. Amend Email
  5. Click Save

The new email address will need to be used for log ins from there on.

How to change user’s timezone

Need to change your timezone? Read on to learn how!

Note: This setting is unique to the user. Therefore, each user will need to check their own timezone settings.

  1. Hover over the profile icon (Your Initials)
  2. Click on Edit Profile.
  3. Select Edit
  4. Select the desired TimeZone.

Click Save and you’re all done! You have successfully updated your TimeZone on this profile.