FYDO Hospital Update – 5/10/2023

New Log for Deleted Theatre Rosters

There is a new log in Settings > Logs that shows when a Theatre Roster has been deleted, who deleted the roster & when.


Nursing Staff & Assistants can automatically populate in the Theatre Screen!

This wonderful new feature will reduce repetative data entry to greatly improve efficiency!

The Nurses & Assistants, listed in the Theatre Roster, will now populate into the Theatre Screen for any linked episodes as they are Admitted.
To utilise this new feature, add the known theatre staff into the Theatre Roster prior to admissions commencing.

As each patient is then admitted, the information in these fields is used to populate the Theatre Screen.

Staff will then only need to amend a small number of episodes when they complete the Theatre Screen, after the theatre visit has been complete, as the majority of the fields will be populated for them already.

Amendments to the Documents Screen

For ease of identifying which Episode a document relates to, the User will now be able to see the Admission Date (instead of the admission number) on the documents screen.


New Permission Levels

The access level that was listed as Edit Episode Transactions, which allowed users to delete and reverse transactions/invoices, has been amended into two separate access levels.
This allows facilities to give users access to one of these functions & not the other if it is required.
The settings for the new options, in each User Group, will be the same as was set for the old access level shown below.
Facilities will then be able to amend each one as required in Settings > User Groups

2 Step Authenticator App Additions

FYDO requires all users to complete the 2 Step Authentication process, however they are given the option to use SMS, Email or an App to complete this verification.
Facilities are now able to require users to utilise an Authenticator App to complete the Two Step Authentication Process. 
The Authenticator App is the most reliable & secure option for 2 Step Verification & facilities are able to enforce the use of this in Settings > System Configuration. 

Changes to DRG Fee Setup

Facilities will no longer be required to enter Short Stay or Long Stay Trims & Fees if it isn’t stipulated in their contract.

Additions to the Casebase Fee Setup

Facilities will now be able to add Outlier Days and Outlier Rates to their Casebase fees if their Health Fund Contract requires it.

Theatre Roster Additions

Facilities will soon be given the ability to add reasons for Theatre Roster cancellations & delays to assist in obtaining statistical & utilisation data.
In preparation for this new functionality we have allowed facilities to add customisable reasons for the below fields:
– Cancelled Reasons (Theatre Roster)
– Theatre Reasons for Delayed Finish
– Theatre Reasons for Delayed Start

Adding reasons to these 3 fields in Settings now will ensure that your facility can utilise this new function as soon as it is implemented in a future update!

Bug Fix

The issue that some  users were experiencing with previous Cancer Registry entries not displaying has been resolved.
