FYDO Hospital Update – 08/03/2024

New Logs for Template Uploads

Facilities can now access audit logs for Template updates in FYDO. These logs will include the option to download the updated template, enabling users to search superseded versions if necessary.

Please note that this Download feature applies only to templates uploaded after this update and will not affect historic data.  

Checkers for QLD Health Data Extracts

Additional checkers have been added to assist facilities accommodating Public Contracted Patients. These new checkers aim to reduce data extraction errors that occur when hospitals admit patients contracted from the public sector.

HBF Dental Claims

HBF has requested structural changes to the way dental claims are transmitted via ECLIPSE for continued electronic acceptance. FYDO has now been updated to continue accommodating the electronic submission of dental claims to HBF via ECLIPSE.

New API Parameter Added 

The EpisodeDetailReportList API can now have cancelled episodes filtered out using the “ExcludeCancelledEpisodes”: “True” parameter. This is to match the Episode Detail Report when also filtering out Cancelled Episodes. 
